Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Great White Hunter Returns

So today we went to a friend's family farm. It was located up in the mountains. I was excited for my boys to have the experience of seeing all the new baby animals.
There were some piglets that I was especially wanting them to see. Our friend spent about five minutes in the pen with the pigs trying to get one of the piglets out for our boys to get a picture with. He removed it from the pen and after the kids took a picture with the litte pig, let him go.

The mother pig in the pen was huffing, snorting and ramming it's head on the pen.

John asked " are they dangerous" our friend said " they can be viscous." At that moment the mother pig broke out of the pen and came running at me. It was so freaky! It came at me fully running. It had to be 300 lbs. of pure anger. I quickly grabbed Joey and Jakes hand and started running. I ran to an old work truck and tried to open the door to get the kids in. It wouldn't budge. I looked behind me and the pig was rounding the truck . Our friend came running and grabbed Jake and threw him in the back of the truck. I took off with Joey and John grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the way just as the pig almost bulldozed me over. Little did I know that in the other hand John had his gun pointed at the pig's head.

Talk about a hero. He was seconds from pulling the trigger. With me safely in one hand and his 40 pointed at the pigs vitals they corraled him back into his pen. I will tell you what. It is funny to think back on the old ranchers face as he turned the corner to see the city slickers running, yelling and pulling weapons on his pigs. Funny now but quite traumatic at the time.

Thanks babe!


Bryan & Bobbie said...

That is quite a story. That would have been awesome if you blasted that pig, probably not awesome for the farmers or the piglets. Bobbie and I laughing as we read this. We're glad no one got hurt.

Scott and Mandi said...

Oh my gosh!! That would be scary!! Scott was cracking up on the phone when John told him this story! Did you say to John afterwards, "Wow, Mr, you must be some sort of hero!" ?? ha ha ha ha ha!
Love you Sunni! :)

Anonymous said...

Not sure how much damage a pig could do, but a misfire to one's leg with a .40 cal hollowpoint would have blown limbs off.


Bryan & Bobbie said...

There are stories of the wild boars out here killing cattle and other farm animals. They can be quite vicious. Especially an angry, 300 lb. sow.

Tandi said...

My tummy hurts from laughing.

Dave Heywood said...

Ha... too funny? Glad you are ok. I hope you didn't have your finger on the trigger when you were running. So are the boys still excited about visiting the farm or are they now terrified of farms?

CorLesMarBoPiKo said...

Thanks for making me laugh today. That is so funny.

Sherrie said...

When I was young we had pigs that chased me around the barnyard and it's not a fun experience. I had a good laugh over this story, especially the mental image of John pulling a gun on it.

joeheywood said...

5 minutes on the farm and John goes Lord of the Flies. Hilarious.

Dan Kirbys Family said...

Hey Sunni, great blog. I have finally found someone as fired up about politics as I am. Kids are adorable!